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Today the weather was very kind, 31 people turned out for a joint LDNS/BDS/UKSHA seminar about training a deer dog and how to interpret the shot site and follow up correctly along with finally tracking a wounded deer or wild boar.

Firstly George Ritchie talked on the use of the red and green zone for finding the shot site and then what to expect, training the dog the correct way and giving a good base from a young dog and training.

real experiences of different tracks and how these where worked.

The afternoon started off in groups finding the shot site and then talking through each one and how to proceed with there own dog or getting help if needed.

we then demonstrated the differences of copper bullets against different jacketed bullets and how to read the shot site.

a demonstration By myself and Thekla on a wild boar track with her showing sign along the track to everyone.

How to read the dog along the way and finally how to dispatch with a knife firstly as a hunter with a knife you would use in the field then finally as a tracker working a hound in close proximity.

The questions came thick and fast so I think everyone enjoyed the day and we hope you took something away of what you all experienced, A huge thanks goes out to Glen Heggs, Jim Govan and Clark also a huge thanks to LDNS along with BDS with Help from Richard Cook and anyone else involved with today, ATB Wayne

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